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go steam dumplings n eat...den saw jas online...den chat wif her...all the way crap la...cos we both also very sian...never go can say i all the way online surf all tat...haizz...and ya...i was doing my friendster until very pei chek...haiyo...cos i dunno which is which...den memory also very over n over again...still can't satisfied with up le...wanna go and bang my head sia...
hmm...jus now also got went to check the meaning of my name...and it's origin is from french...and my name means 'sun'...haha..."p those who are around mi will be burnt...haha..."p hmm...or it means that i'm quite cheerful??actually dun really noe much about it...haha..."p
oh ya...jus now when i was out to buy dinner my classmate pm mi...haizz...den quite impt la...cos is about tml outin...hmm...ask mi wat time we meet all tat...dotx...haizz...dunno la...sorry arh...din reply u...cos i was away...den now i also dunno how to tell him...cos he offline le...den i had ask people for his number...but no one has it...hmm...i'm all lost...haizz...
dunno wat will be like tomorrow...will i still tune to the wrong channel??hope nope ba...haizz...quite sleepy now...tml mus at least but something...but tml we meet quite late got a lot of time to prepare...but i scare i late only...haizz... at first...we are presenting the slides tat the fac's about the 'I not stupid 1' tat show de...the 'bak kua' advertisement...hmm...and i'm the leader for the day...leader??haizz...jus a 'name' la...dotx...yup...and our group is presentin the 'roadshow' way of marketin the 'bak kua'....haha..."p
it was okay at first...hmm...but...scond part of the day was damn difficult man....instructional presentation to teach a uninterested non-computer user to win counterstrike sia...godness man...we dun even noe how to play...dun even say win the game la...we were kinda lost...dotx...
haizz...why we got this roles arh??haha..."p cos my teammates were askin wat to eat...den we were 'too' engross in it and 'forget' to listen in class la....dotx...den tok this is easier...cos the easiest has already choosen by other we get this...haizz...
and ya...i'm the wat to do also...haizz...was kinda loss...den our grp keep askin ppl around...who noes how to play counterstrike...the rules n regulation tips cheat code all tat...dotx...
den after tat...some of the team members tok tat there isn't a need to do power point we jus hav to demo to the class abt the strategies all tat...hmm...i'm was feelin kinda uneasy...cos no power point slides equals to no work done which also equals to bad grade...haizz...
so we go for our lunch...den all tat...ppl start doin their presentation...but our group members starts to play counter uneasy man...den nearly cry out also...cos i'm all lost...haizz...
in the end...i manage to do up some power point slides...and today was quite only 1 person per group to present...and our group present the slides and also...playin the counter strike in front of the whole class...and the representative lost in the game...noe where went wrong??as we are suppose to teach the 'uninterested n non-com user how to win counter strike' sia...and we lost...haha..."p nvm la...cos we are jus demostrating...haizz...dun care la...
den after school...mi char melissa esther and jas go take neoprints...hmm...quite disappointed with the outcome la...we haven even choose the pics den time's up...dotx...
den after tat...mi char n jas went home together in the same train...oh...ya...actually we din get to sit together...but i ask the 'poor gal' beside mi to move...and she nice sia...i feel tat i'm so bad man...sorry arh...hmm...den we three sit together...and take pics all the way...den when my stop reach already...char hold on to me and stop mi from gettin down...dotx...and i end up goin to jurong east and takin the same train back to bukit batok crazy...
wrong channel again...!! aNd i think it is supposed to be sad...ya...aNd...i'm still the odd one out...haha..."p
char look fierce...mi look fat...haha..."p jas look sad...
hmm...yesterday was our fac alex lum last day teaching us...also was a raining evening...gosh...nv bring umbrella...haha..."p haizz...dunno y lik always rain lidat...hmm...ya...den i went home with my school usual...laugh all the way...hmm...yesterday n today dismissal time quite early la...haha..."p hmm...den lidat lo...
hmm...was a rainny morning...haizz...but den got to noe my fac for tis problem solving module...cos last week i nv go dunno him...he say he changin our group next week...but actually i'm satisfied with it our group work quite well n fast...haha..."p but mayb nurul will hate mi more...cos i keep pestering her to explain to mi the formyla thingy...until she vomit blood...haha..."p but overall quite good la...we finish our ppt at 12.15 early...den go eat with kel char melissa shumin n esther...they were so engross in chatting abt the scv house dun hav scv so i like goin to the wrong channel...haha..."p they really funny people la...nice to hang out with....
den after tat...went home with char melissa n kel...but melissa takin bus different way lo...hmm...dunno y today when walkin to mrt station tat time feel very sad....dunno y la...mayb dun lik tml...haha..."p hmm...den char mi n kel took mrt home...n all the way we takin photo in the mrt...haha..."p at first feel very awkward la...cos there will be ppl lookin at us...moreover...we make lotsa noise...haha..."p sorry arh...haha..."p
actually tis is suppose to be a sad one...but...dun u think kel look cute in it??haha..."D
a pic of prisoners...but...think char can't stand it already..char...u dun look like a prisoner in it...haha..."p no 'black face'..
hmm...three gals acting cute in mrt...haha..."p
oOps...i took tis pic...and...sorry kel...acidentally 'cut' her face...sorry...!!
omg...first pic together in mrt too...haha..."p no la...we were imitatin the guy we saw today at the coffee shop..."p n is produced by kel's phone... my first pic after puttin braces... kel...honour mah???haha..."p our first pic...head so far man...scare touchin each other's face...wuahaha..."D
mi n kel first pic was taken in class...haha..."p
mi n kel in mrt...haha..."p
hmm...yesterday...same thing...wok up in the morning...den brush up, change...hmm...while preparing...sandy sms mi...says tat she is meeting mi in gombak station...hmm...den i was thinking tat...nvm still got shuyi...haha..."p den continue to comes the second sms send...tis time was shuyi...hmm...she say she not meeting us le...cos she meeting her frens(new classmate)...hmm...den nvm lo...i reach mrt station at 7.48am i think...hmm...late again...but tis time nobody was there...of cos la...they not meetin mi at bb control station...hmm...den on my way up to the escalator...mrt...i was thinkin tat whether sandy they all will last minute say they go first or wat...cos i was late...and i misses a train before tat...hmm...also sandy ask where am i..tok she board the train sia...haha..."p not tat bad also la...
den reach was maths and computing...tok tat it could be fun...but things actually dun turns out rite...damn boring sia...nothing extra interesting as it is about the 'dotchin scale' and some physics and calculations la...hmm....our group was lost about wat are we suppose to do in power point slides...but of cos manage to produce one last minute...hmm...i think my presentation is okay onli la...think won't get bette grades...cos no elab the point...haizz...hope will get B...cos i was really dissappoint when i say one C grade for discouraging...i got contribute sia...dotx...
hmm...den went home...and i manage to withstand from takin a nap...haha...but at last was cos i was chatin and watching clips till nearly i forget all about blogging...poor memory...haizz...
today...also wake up in the morning...back tis time resume back to the normal meeting with shuyi n sandy...and i was late as usually...haizz...i have already tryin v hard to not to be late's module was focus on perception...haha...okok...too tire le...continue tml...sorry...
hmmm...den go to school..haha..."p hmm...was late by few minutes...dotx...cos the lift everyday crowded with alot of ppl sia...den wanna go up fast also cannot...hmm...unless i climb up the stairs...haha..."p but tiring sia....hehe..."p
today's module was basic science...and our problem was 'bright and hardworkin''s more about physic...hmmm...haha..."p today xiao chuan they all very li hai today...haha..."p cos mayb physic is their strength ba...hehe..."p hmmm...den our group was very cooperative today...everyone paticipate and play their part...haha..."p enjoy sia....cos i'm a scripter surely got interact wif them...all tat...i tries to tok as much....haha..."p
hmm...but my presentation today only okok ba...haha..."p dunno why sia...1 week already presentation still will nervous...say wrong thingy all tat..gosh man...!!my english really suckie...!!haizz...
oh ya...dotx...haven do my reflection journal(rj) yet...jus now try to go leo...but can't den i ask around...haha..."p everybody also can't sia...den got worried...cos haven do rj yet...haizz...den email fac as wat my fren told mi order to extend the dateline...hmm...but now my fren say okay le...hmm...haven try to go yet..dotx...hmm...i goin to do rj lo...haha..."p cos today's question quite brought home to do...haha..."p tis is my second time do at home...first time experience really bad sia...!!dotx... wake up at 10 something...and i sleep at last night or can i say it's today's morning 2 something...hmm...cos before tat promise kk tat i will wake up as early as possible...haha..."p haizz...but kk yesterday very late sleep also...den he need to wake up at 7 in order to go hospital...hmm...den was smsing him jus now...heard tat he can't sleep also...whole night toss here and 'son' take care la...dunno he can tahan how long...tml school starts le also...den...hmm...complicated la...jus hope tat everything will goes smoothly for everyone of us...
hmm..ben goin hospital to visit later on...hmm...dunno wanna go anot...hmmm...cos think ben noes his go visit does sound...but i dunno his mother also...but i can go cheer kk up...see wat i can help also...hmmm...dunno la...tml school starts again...2nd week of school...hmm...dunno wat more will happen...
oh ya...someone promise to go out wif mi today...hmm...really dunno how la...scarly end up at home also...haha..."p haizz...sian la...
haizz...cos still not used to my braces and it hurts...nv tok much in school...hmm...nv eat the whole day also...haizz...den my group members like quite crazy also...haha..."p one of the group member says tat i nv contribute much still can get better grade den him...when i hear tis..quite sad la...not tat i dun wanna contribute sumtimes i dunno wat to to express myself...and most of the time ppl jus din listen...haizz..also...yesterday still not used to my braces thingy...quite pain also...haizz...sorry those ppl who in my group...haizz...i really trying my best to contribute le...dotx...really hurting sia...haizz...i'm not finding excuses...but if u all think i am...i also have nothing to say...haizz...
we got communication modules...problem is to came up with a product of our own...and an intructions tat a 4 year old kid can understand...and the intruction must be written...dotx...haizz...den it rack our brains thinking wat a 4 year old kid understand...and wat steps are appropriate for them and so on...dotx...haizz...den the guy came up with many creative products...but i also dun really understand wat he mean la...dotx...haizz...den our presentation all tat can't produce on time...and everything came out not presentation also sucks...cos i jus read from the slides...and i further elaborate...becos the braces are really hurting mi...!!dotx...haizz...hope my grade won't be so bad...
yesterday reflection journal question was so was the first time(since rp school started) tat i dunno how to i think of goin home to do...who noes...i was really tire and fall asleep after i ate some oatmeal...guess wat??i sleep until 11.57...and the submission time is by 11.59...dotx...haizz...den lidat lo...dotx...
woke up after a really bad dream at 9 plus...dotx...feelin very weak...mayb cos yesterday nv eat anything but oatmeal only for my so called 'lunch'...dotx...den feel like i am goin to faint soon...den i cook oatmeal to eat again...cos easy to swallow...haizz..den watch cartoon...haha.."p hmm...and i started to find some blogskin...hmmm...found 3...two very plain...and not black but cute...and 1 tat i really the puremilk de pig...haha.."p but the 'entries' part again got sad...haizz...den now find tis blogskin to use first...will continue to find another blogskin de...dun really like tis...but it's background is black...and it has got i kinda of like pigs...
hmm...not going out everyone got program except mi...haizz...bored to death le...*sigh*
ya...yesterday in sch...dotx...haizz...i'm in 'tis group' arh...damn difficult to contribute...firstly...the leader n scripter like sit opp mi...den wat i say i can't hear...or dun wanna hear...dotx...den they somemore so power with their english...mayb they dun understand i say hav to tell the gal beside mi...den she transfer to them for mi...but...mayb they dunno is i contribute de...dotx...dunno la...dun like tat group so left out...haizz...or mayb not frendly enough...dotxx...haizz...den they say presentation jus go wif the flow...i also dunno when to continue their speech...dotx...den they was like...panick...haha..."p i also sia...dotx...haix...den my phone vibrate sia...when it my turn to say...dotx...den the fac was like askin whose phone...den when fac was goin thru the 6th p...the phone vibrate again...dotx...the alexandra hospital ppl called mi...jus to ask whether i could swop my appointment with sumone..dotx...of cos i say yes...but embarrase mi sia...even though no much ppl noe tat was my phone...haizzz...
today...i was intending to wake up at 9 but got up at 10 instead...very worried..cos actually plan to go back to my sec school to take cert at 9 something...den go to alexandra hopital after tat...but scare tat i will be late for my fren say go for appointment first...den we went...gosh man..!!i was damn early...den...i only get to see the dentist at 11 something going to be twelve...before goin in...i was damn worried sia...scare i could not make it to get my cert which is by 3...haha..."p i guess my worries were extras...haha..."p to put braces...and went to school before time...haizz...but i now not feelin okay...dotx...puttin braces was damn pain...and rite now...i'm suffering...dotx...dun feel like goin to school tml...dotx...scare will affect my presentation also...dotx...haizz...but if dun go den not graded sia...dotx...cos today also nv go school le...and i was quite unlucky sia...dotx...when i went to school...the group was distribute by our fac...randomly...but today...they can choose their own group...godness...and only for tis week only...really godness sia...haizz...
oh ya...we the team 1 has won the tornament sia...haha..."p win a kit kat...haha..."p at first i tok fac will give biscuit...den i tell tat it was very difficult to share sia...haha.."p and while fac was givin us or prize...i was like saying "huh??kit kat arh??" haha.."p scarly the fac tok i was sayin tat kit kat "not very goood"..haha..."p no la fac...i was thinkin of gettin something cheaper...!!haha..."p jq sandy n him going home first...dunno abt shuyi sia...think she goin home wif liang jun...hmm...actually sandy ask mi to wait for hui and go home wif hui...but...hui meeting fren for the sake of meeting...dotx...they are so the...dotx...ask hui meet for wat...den hui say cos fren wanna meet den meet lame man...!!haizz...
den i tok i am going to go home myself sad...everyone ps mi...T.T haha..."p so i decide to finish all my work first den go home...hmm...den tis char say she was waitin for mi i was kind of thinking...are u kiddin mi??haha..."p i tok she was kiddin sia...haha..."p but she really go home wif in from sch to bukit batok station...haha.."p so nice...thx gal...haha..."p also...we was laugh all the way sia...whole journey...think ppl around us think we are nuts la...haha..."p but laughin is good....better den crying rite??haha..."p wat a nice day...!!
today early in the morning wake up...very tire...but still have to wake up...cos first day of school mah...haha..."p very nervous...dotx...
den early in the morning meet my frens at various mrt order to go to sch together...haha..."p i'm not the last to reach mrt station nice...haizz...but today special wake up so early also bcos someone wanna meet at tat time...den also wif discount(from 7.45 change to 8) le...haha.."p but the person is the lastest to reach...hmm...mayb cos we reach early or wat...nv go and check the time....dotx...nvm abt tis...tis person still ps us and go school wif his fren sia...dotx...waste our time waiting for him...!!haizz...feel like killing tis person...dotx...godness man....
today module is basic science...and we got to do research on blood relation...haizz...first day in school everything dunno...the fac still anyhow random distribute us into diff groups...dotx...fac also nv explain more teachers to teach us..but fac to guide us only...den my group tok need to complete ws only...but still need to do presentation...and the ws our group did actually is to guide us only...haizz...
today every thing blur blur wan...dotx...break time also very wat...go down n up for 3 times during break time...dotx...tok sandy okay le so can meet her eat together...i reach the meeting place and call her den she say she packing i waited and waited...but after tat she told mi her team mates wanna finish their presentation first...and others also haven complete...dotx...i wonder in the future how am i goin to meet up wif them and eat...dotx...den after den i forget abt eating le...cos nobody pei team mates also went to eat go up lo...c got wat thing to do...tis time sandy sayshe complete le...den she and jq going canteen first...dotx...den i tok i could get some bite tis time...but guess wat???the quenes are all so long...even 7-11...dotx...also i left 5 minutes dun eat lo...dotx...den went up again...
after team mate was hungry so i accompany her down...also tok tat i could get some bites too..but the quene was too long...and my team mates decided to buy there was she bought a piece of honey dew...and she offered mi to share wif nice...but i din share wif her...cos cmon la...her lunch sia...haha..."p how could she filled her hunger wif it...haha.."p i ended up buying nothing again...dotx...cos too lazy to bite...haha..."p i present until like shit man...dotx...dun wanna say abt it...totally rubbish...mi also quite coward...dun dare to ask question all tat...dotx..haizz...such a failure man...
den after school we went to watch movie '8 below'...dotx...SO NICE MAN..!!!I LOVE heartwarming and touching...godness..!!the dogs are so cute and sad man the show...i cried until like wat...dotx...
okay la...really tire school tomorrow...maths and computing...dunno wat's tat all abt...dotx...
den after i came back from pray...continue to surf net and watch videos with my sis...haizz...wat a borin life i have...haha...nothing new each i had watch two video today...till abt 9 something...oh my daddy lik really nothing to do sia...move the furniture here and there...den fix tis and tat...haizz...den also mess my things find things for us to do only...dotx...but i noe la...he say he wanna give us more space to put our things...and it's for our own good...
den check my schedule...haizz...tml having basic science...hmm...dunno wat will it be...haizz...very nervous sia...need to solve the problem tat our fac give...den solve it and present it in a group...dotx...nervous...scare i will pronounce the words wrongly...den everybody will laugh at scare...hope every thing is alright...!!
hmm...jus now was plannin abt how to go school to at where and decide hao le...tml my life will change completely le ba..dunno still got the time to blog anot...haha.."p i will try to find time ba...haha..."p
surf net whole day again...cook maggi mee when i'm hungry...oh ya hor...haha..."p forget to wash the pots...haha..."p hmm...think my mum wash it le ba...cos nv see it at the basin...haiyo...still so extraction teeths there very pain sia...i doubt the dentist was arh??got problem anot...SOMEBODY HELP MI...T.T till now still hurts sia...and i ate medicine liao somemore...!!dotx...haiz...
it was raining heavily in the afternoon at 3 something...dunno till wat time la...haha..."p hmm...den my sis called home...and ask mi to pick her up at the bus stop...cos she nv bring umbrella...hmm...den i have no choice but to pick her up lo...hmm...was drenched after tat...dotx...hmm...den continue to surf net...and my sis went to room and chit chat on phone...dotx...hmm...den after was asleep lo...till late night went to eat wif daddy...and bought fried honey chicken in pasar malam...haha..."p delicious..!!yummy yummy...
den went back net till now...ouch..!!my gums were still hurtin me...T.T pain...!!can still taste the blood...oh my godness...was it bleeding???dOtxx...
hmm...wat a borin startin nervous...need to do group presentation on monday fast to wake wake early in the morning also...sian..!!
was readin via`` blog jus sad man...tears come out from my eyes...i noe how she feel...i had tat feelings before...poor gal...suffering alone like wat...haizz...hope she can handle...dun torture urself doesn't worth it...haizz...
hmm...yesterday wake up early in the morning...went to plaza to meet gugu n ah ma...but i was late by half an hour i think...but actually i was given the most of being late for 15 minutes...haha.."p but still came later...dotx...cos can't wake up...sorry to keep u waitin...
hmm...den we went to ntuc to but ingredients for makin our oreo cheesecake...but...cos gugu dun wanna spent tat much so she will decide which ingredients where we less needed it...and forget abt buyin it...haha..."p so we got to but some of the ingredients for makin out oreo cheesecake...
den we went back to gugu house...and chat awhile...den starts to make oreo cheesecake...haha.."p
i got to crush all the oreo into tiny bits...and gugu does the mixin thingy...and others also got at last we got the base ready and fridge it...
gugu was everyone went in her room n chit chat while restin...and waitin for huimin arrival...haha..."p also for the base to form...
huimin reach gugu house already...but we keep on chit chat...until it was quite late...we began to finish up the cheesecake thingy...and we realised tat the 'gelantine' which we did not buy was rather important...cos without it...the shape couldn't be form...but too bad...we were all lazy to buy we jus finish up the rest...hmm...den we go play mahjong lo...
hmm...den after few hours...or less than tat...i went to the fridge and wat i called the 'oreo cheese mud'...haha..."p cos it could not form the shape...and eat it...hmm...yummy...even though we do not buy the 'gelantine' and the cake shape could not form...but it still taste yummy...haha..."p
den after all tat...we decided to hav our dinner at plaza...and some of them went home...hmm...den went shoppin around plaza...before we went to take bus...we went to the pet shop...
wOw...the dogs rabbits hamsters were so cute...haha..."p especially the i wish tat i could bring them home...but they cost hundreds to thousands...T.T no money la...also...dunno i will have the passion to look after them for years anot...and it also cost alot to bring them up...haiyo...hope i could get the chance to hav my own dog when i'm older...haha..."p
hmm...den i got home...dunno why...dun feel rite...whole body no energy to move...and headache and the extraction parts there very pain...doTx...began to suspect whether the dentist (tat help mi to extract my teeths) was experience anot...!!dotx...
so i went to take a bathe...and was too tire to do any things else...and falls asleep...
hmm...when i came to noe tat i was late...i am really scare...hmm...will the dentist lecture mi...??hmm...when i reach the clinic tat i was appoint to...realy embarrase abt my behavior...but afterall...wat done has point turnin back n blame anyone...hmm...bcos i was late the schedule were amessed also...
i got to put my back braces today for my 3 back teeth...but left one which can only put up on my next appointment...cos my teeth were still tight together...haha..."p dotx...hmm...after puttin tat i got to came back again at 2 for the extraction of my i went to queensway to shop around...and i saw tis nike shoes...think the theme is 'dog'...cos got a little cute dog logo at there...was fond of this shoes also bcos of the logo...haha..."p but nv buy it...quite ex la...actually is okay...but...need to save up a little...cos spent too much on tis holidays...dotXx...
hmm...after shoppin...gone back for my extraction...damn nervous about it...even though it was my second..hmm...but this time hurts even more...mayb is bcos the dentist not same as last time de...dotx...den after the extraction...i went home...tis time round my wound hurts even more and with a shorter period of time...last time at least after an hour...but tis time jus before 30 mins sia...hmm...see the difference...different dentist gives the different result...
tis times really hurts...dotx...pain until i cried out...dotx...but tis is the path i one to blame also...hmm...tis time the blood stain on my clothes n my bosters cover...dotx..poor mummy...must help mi wash le...
still afraid tat the blood will come out when i sleep...dotx...hmm...goin to sleep to wake up early tomorrow...haha.."p cos goin to my 'gugu' house...haha..."p finally can meet them again...after so long since we get our 'o's...if i'm not wrong...haha..."p okay...('.')
today went to bugis with sandy they all...actually our motive is to buy a soft case for our laptop...hmm...and do a last minute shoppin to buy a present tat suit my DADDY...!!hmm...sorry abt it...abt his presents think almost every year also last minute buy de...haha..."p but almost only la...but not everytime...
hmm...i woke up 12 plus today...n get prepared den go out...we took bus to bugis...n was goin to eat our lunch at bugis...there got alot of nice food...but we only have a little appetite n no much we order a four pax it is cheaper...hmm...after our lunch...we headed to 'sim lim square'(if i do remember correctly)...yup...and hunt for our ideal soft case...
hmm...but in the end...we did not buy soft case but speed balls instead...hmm...maybe bcos our expectation were too high...hmm...cos i did saw a few but not to my likings...but afterall...we had buy something...
after tat...i headed to buy my DADDY"S birthday present...not sure wat to buy...but both my sister also have no idea abt i decided to buy a 'bag' for my bugis village has lots of shops tat sell 'bags'...haha..."p hmm...and i bought a brown colour pouch for my dad...hope he like it...
oh ya...i saw my dream car today...thrice sia...haha..."p so happy...hope it will bcome mine one day...hehe..."p
okay...goin to end soon...cos got to wait up early tomorrow...hav an appointment for extraction of my two teeths...doTx...*scare* T.T hmmm...cos the dentist will inject the medicine four times again...scary...n it will bleed...i'll have lots of time tml for bloggin...cos i afraid tat it will start bleedin when i sleep...
*yawn*...nite nite...!!
he was drinkin his green tea while tokin to his frens...doTx...he shuldn't do tis if he dunno how to control himself...godness man...!!dun wat his fren told him or watever...out of a sudden he spilled out the green tea from his mouth onto us sia...but sandy n i got the most..i think...dotx...
normally a normal ppl will apologise for their behavior all tat rite...he did nothin sia...but escape...dotx...left his frens at there...dotx...damn bad luck man..!!dotx...from his action i can noe tat he was a c*****...dotx...if the person is a gal i think if 'she' nv apologise mayb too shy or wat la...wat a guy shuld...u noe...!!dotx... throat very pain sia...dotx...dunno wat happen...mayb today quite bad luck ba...dotx...
hmmm...'karl' n char never go school left mi n melissa...but is also a blessing in disguise...cos we get to noe jocelyn...hmm...
we were to play a skit n do up presentation today...but actually i did the least job...dotxx...cos too shy le...dun wanna take up so many roles...poor melissa n jocelyn...!!sorry...!!hmm...especially melissa...she presents the whole presentation alone...even though at first she was unsure abt how to start to present...but she tried her very best...think she can surely survive in rp...hmm...not like me...everything also dun wan...wanna act lesser role...dun wana present...shy shy can survive sia...dotx...hope i'll improve on my confident n english...
hmm...xiao chuan was the guy who were assign to our he is from china...he has less understandin in need our help abt it...but when he ask mi somethin...i dun really understand wat he is i ask melissa for help...haha..."p sorry...melissa again...
hmm...we tried to put in effort in our presentation...helpin out each other...n i get to learn tat team work is also very impt...
write till here write quite short la...cos very tire liao...wanna sleep le...nite nite...hehe..."p
whoA...the class were damn quiet where i scary...i can even hear my footsteps...hmm...den i choose to sit with tis gal char...haha.."p was lucky to sit there...cos after tat 'karl' (i'm not very sure abt the spellin) sit beside mi...n den melissa...n cherry...
hmm...we got to noe each other n become frens in our first day...haha..."p so lucky man..!!haha..."p think better den other in class...cos they were damn quiet throughout the whole lesson...or shuld i say the first half...cos after tat i went to it helpdesk for"p
hmm...den after i went back home to sleep le...oh gosh...damn tire sia...haha..."P
tml orientation again...think will be playing game ba...hope it will be great...haha..."p GOD BLESS....hehe.."p
very very nervous...dunno will fall asleep anot...dotx...damm nervous sia...dotx...SOMEBODY HELP ME...!! mum did nag 'alittle' when we reach the place...there very crowded also...den we reach there 'too early' mum before tat still say scare wil late...all tat de...-_-" hmmm...all my relatives also haven reach yet...only my family...think mum quite kan chiong abit le...haha..."p den when she noes not even a relatives has reach she keep naggin while findin table tat she did tell them the time...hmm...dunno whether they are in cahoots anot...haha..."p cos they even say the same excuse tat 'cos rainin so very nice to sleep'...haha..."P haiyo...i bcum so 'suspectful' le...haha..."p think too much la...
hmm...den after a while...we found tables n put the things ready n started to pray when they come...everything were ready as they just need to pray n tats it...haha..."p but something really funny happened...haha.."p n i keep tellin myself not to exclude tis in my blog...haha..."p bad sia mi...
hmm...oh ya...when everything is ready...suddenly a lady came to our table n put her 'prayin things' at so called 'our table' (for the time being) la..without askin us sia...den dunno she really blur or jus act act as if nothing happened like tat naturally put her things down sia...doTx...we waited so long den got tis table...hmm...nvm abt tis..den dunno wat she say parents was quite angry abt tat...haha...also has the same thought as mine tat she 'gek gek' (act blur) wan...haha..."p my daddy almost argue with her abt it sia...cos no matter wat my parents say she like hear wrongly or dun understand...jus continue to put her things...but of cos parents got explain to her nicely...hmm...also dunno she understand chinese alot...cos she dun look lik local ppl...but after my parents say tat she has to wait for her turn for the table in order to put her things or she can also find the table herself...she walk away n disappear le...haha..."p cos nv c her again after tat le...hehe..."p
hmm...den while we wait for the 'arrival of our relatives' (haha"p sound so grand) my mum n sis went up to clean my grandparents 'ling wei' (in chinese) n left my father n i at there to fold incense paper....fold until left two more 'stack' of incense paper is my daddy's turn to go up n so called 'invite my grandparents' come down eat (direct translate) ba....hmm...after my daddy go up le...mummy say no need to fold le...cos too much...den we stop foldin...but who noes...dotx...when daddy come back n saw us not foldin he say we 'eat snake' (slack ---> melvin contribute de..."p) we hav no choice...but to continue with it...
hmm...after we fold finish clean finish set up finish everything finish...they haven come yet...hmm...den my mum say if wait a while more they still dunno come den we pack le go home le...haha..."p my mum is those kind of kan chiong type la...but i noe she dun mean wat she say de...hehe..."p
at last...they came...haizz...but we also waited very long...but least they turned up...haha.."p den we go burn the incense paper all tat...hmm...pack up n go my big aunt house to eat the things tat we used to pray(every year also like tat de but tis time is go big aunt hse not fourth aunt de cos she got somethin on)...
hmm...oh...den after we finish eatin den i keep tellin my mum tat i wanna go home le...haha..."p actually hor...before tat i hav already keep askin wat time go home all tat le...hehe.."p
hmmm...den after tat...ask my cousin to drive us to the nearest mrt...n we took mrt home...
hmm...very rush lo...rush home bathe le den rush to sandy house...but later still on time...nv let them wait...but actually they got wait la...but i did reach on time...the time tat we meetin each other...they got wait cos they no need to travel...already there le...den some cos reach not my fault...hehe..."p
hmmm...den we went to the concert...see some chew our conductor n his wife n some others think also forget us le...but nvm la...haha...
okay la...stop my today's borin toks...hehe..."p
got to go off n sleep early today...cos tml got RP orientation program...doTx...need to wake up early...hAizz...also be all alone tml...sob sob...T.T
sob ucler still haven recover...haizz...
goin concert later...dunno wat to wear also...sian...haha..."D
oh ya...i get to know my class already...W15M...level 5 sia...dunno got lift anot...haha..."p far haven got to know who r in the same class as mi...(i mean ppl who i noe my frens...)haizz...still waitin for sandy to check hers...hope she is in the same class as mine...but...chances of gettin into the same class is quite silm...really silm sia...haizz...
jus get to noe tat sandy not same class as mi...different block somemore...oh my GOD didn't help mi...T.T (if GOD gets to help everyone...he must be really buzy..)no to face the reality tis sad...T.T
hmmm...everything jus go not so smoothly tis time...but hope it will be smooth next time...haha..."P
hmmm...tml goin to pray pray...(qing ming qie so mus sao mu--->in chinese)in other words got to wake up very early in the morning(actually not very early la..but to mi it is...hehe"P) n rush down to bishan with public transport...(hope my family hav a car)haizz...wish tat i will earn lots of money n go take car licence n buy tat every tis time no need to hear my mum nag...whEw...dotx...cos she everytime will nag tat we are very late...later relatives scold all tat...haha...even my daddy jus now also say tat 'tml will hear mum nag again'...haha..."p so bad bad mouthin my mum...haha..."D hmmm...scarly next time is my children's turn to bad-mouth me le...haha...but dun think will be online ba...cos next time will be more high-tech mah..hehe..."p
hmm...tml also goin to serenade...haiyo...but till now haven prepare everything yet...dotx...haizz...cos mi la...forget to call fazli blur...den nv pass the money to fazli n get the tix from den remember abt it...really short term memory loss sia...haiyo...den now thing get really complicated...firstly...tml i go to go pray...den can't meet fazli in the morning...sandy also has to go to work in the morning...unless faz dun ming wakin up early lo...but now the problem is the money with complicated...hmmm...FINALLY...the problem has faz meetin get the tix cos they stay near each other(jus blocks away only) haha...but the money still wif faz will get the money the other time...haiyo...shuldn't hav take the money from sandy sia...haha..."P doin the extra thingy...dotx... sis all go out liao...parents also not at home...sian sia...i'm the only one at home...haizz...even my mother also got program sia...such a failure of mi....haha...but nvm my cute little blog waitin fot mi to post...hehe..."p
hmm...dunno later goin to the easter musical anot leh...haha..."p very singlish sia...haha..."p waitin for sandy's reply...see she goin anot...but dunno got the time to rush there anot...cos everything not prepare yet...haha...", hmmm...anyway...also very lazy la...
monday goin to sch orientation le...quite excited...but also scared too...first day of orientation equal first day of steppin in the sch officially sia...haha...dunno wat obstacles will i face also...haha..."P hope everything went smoothly...GOD can i same class as sandy??haizz...really dunno wat will happen...will i sit down there quietly like an idiot...or...???
haha.."p still remember wat i dream last time...i dreamt that i got bully in one come n save mi...but actually there is...but the person got somethin in their he can't do much also...den everything were so scarly...den dunno wat happen...i end up in the police station...hmmm...i think i revenge back...den they call police ba...haha..."p so lame tis a bad significance???hmm...who noes...but hope everything is alrite...cos got ppl say...dreams are opp of reality...oh my god!!hope my english can improve alot more...haizz...
oh ya...i haven go pay the retake 'o' level english de money sia...die...dunno until when...also dunno wanna retake anot...dotx...haizz...cos appeal to business course to np n sp were unsuccessful....T.T quite disheartenin de...sob sob...
nowadays i been sleepin at 3 or 4 am...dotx...n poly life goin to start soon...n i goin to put on my braces of new things for mi to slowly go adapt it...and most importantly...i am leavin my secondary school frens sad...hope we can still get in touch ba...but will they still care to try n keep in touch wif mi...??haizz...i think we...the 'seven flower sister' were separated le...n think will also lose contact ba...T.T
hmm...if next time still got or a similar television program lik super sunday...haha.."p we can find each other thru tat...hehe.."p 'family' (ah ma, gugu...) remember to stay contact wif mi hor...n my factory fren...
hmm...afraid tat i can't adapt wif the new environment...really new sch new fren tat i gonna braces life...wif lots of uclers...(heard tat puttin braces will hav uclers at first ba...hmm...also put braces liao will be difficult to tok properly anot arh???hmmm...dotx...if is so den die le...haha..."p cos republic poly year 1 life is everyday presentation de sia...moreover my english not very good too...more worst...dotxx...haizz...another thing is...when i face everyone doin my presentation...i will be very nervous...mayb will tremble...n will...say the wrong thing...or pronounce wrongly...den ppl will laugh at mi...T.T (think to much le)---> may lead to paraniod...hehe..."p
okay la...stop blogging le...hehe.."p sleepin soon...but i think...ppl are wakin up now...n preparin for work...but not most of them...haha.."P (cos today is saturday..hehe...)