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Labels: Would You Be There?
as my fren help me find the link
Both are damn sweet to send me this song and the link,
as now i managed to get the song
A million of thanks to all!!
Eh, heard this song from a channel 8 show,
which is the Mars vs Venus,
after which keep looking for this song,
but quite clueless till now.
This song is really really nice,
it will make you emo. "p
Anyways, the show is also nice,
but I tend to missed out a few episode.
I like the quoting they put.
Would You Be There?
By Redwan Ali
If I were blue, would you be there for me,
And whisper in my ears that's ok.
Would you stand by me, let me hold you tight,
And say you love me one more time.
If I feel good, would you slow dance with me,
And touch my lips with tender loving care,
Would you die for me,
would you run with me,
And never look back..
Would you be there to love, to be with me?
Would you swear that your love is always true?
Would you say that you'll always be the one,
to take my breath away?
Would you be there to love, to be with me?
Would you swear that your love is always true?
Would you say that you'll always be the one?
To take my breath away
Would you be there?
If I away, would you still think of me,
And wish that you could hold me now
Or would you die for me, would you run with me
All the way
Would you be there to love to be with me?
Would you swear that your love is always true?
Would you say that you always be the one?
To take my breath away
Would you be there to save my soul tonight?
Would you swear that your love is always true?
Would you say that you’ll always be there?
To kiss my pain away
Would you be there to love, to be with me?Would you swear that your love is always true?Would you say that you'll always be the one?To take my breath away
Would you be there to save my soul tonight?
Would you swear that your love is always true?
Would you say that you’ll always be there?
To kiss my pain away
Would you be there, for me?
Labels: sch day
but too tire ah.
hmm, sch as per normal for mon and tue.
monday our new groups has been assign to us again.
i now confuse with who are in my team now.
surely damn blur tml and all.
(except for anatomy)
dota after sch for quite somedays already.
playing with my classmate can be quite an achievement.
cause, i can nv get to be the last.
(at least for now)
ahaha "p
not like last time,
i am always the last in the list.
hmm, went to imm on mon.
meet up with my sec sch mates.
quite boring ah.
nothing much to do in imm.
ahaha "p
also, i nid to reach home early to do my rj.
but i manage to buy a couple of stuff for myself.
ahaha "p
cup noodles and mamee from giant.
quite cheap ah!!
sounds like auntie eh.
yesterday get to eat dinner with classmate
i eat damn slow eh.
ahaha "p
everybody is waiting for me.
so paiseh ah.
but nvm.
cos i am always slow ah.
damn tire ah.
den fall asleep while chatting.
when wake up,
my laptop is off again.
so sad ah.
my laptop like dying.
the charger and batt spoilt.
dunno abt the fan error thing too.
hope can change a new charger and batt.
replace a stronger fan.
ahaha "p
if have a new laptop is nicer rite.
ahaha "p
dream on!
we all wear stripes eh without any agreement beforehand. Labels: pictures see, my shot was always small.
finally, all abt me, ahaha.
nurul has her guilty conscious for once. =Dnurul say her head big,
nurul took this, and say;
spot something???
Labels: day out
nth to do.
dun think goin out today ah.
so boring!!!!
life is such a bore for mi,
but my sis.
hardly see her.
so good, full of programs.
eh, yesterday went to bugis with nurul and loga.
nv get anything for myself eh.
first time ah.
cos i go shopping will buy something w/o fail.
but, yesterday special ah.
so weird weird weird,
cos when i went out,
ppl look at me as if i forget to wear anything.
den when reach bugis ah,
saw the model wear the same pattern shirt as mi,
but different design ah.
after tat saw 1 sales girl wearing the same thing as the model,
which is also abt the same as mine,
but different version and color wan.
so paiseh ah.
and yea, nurul bought a pair of skinny jeans,
similar to mine.
and u noe wat she say.
she wearing on tue.
wat does this infer???
tat means she ask mi not to wear on tue.
wth, ahahaha.
i said, i dun care ah.
i bought the jeans first,
so i got the priviledge to choose when to wear.
anyway, jus wanna oppose her.
ahaha. fun ah.
loga bought a dress,
before i reach.
after then,
she doesn't allow herself to view anymore dress.
noe why??
she dun wanna regret buying ah.
she dun have much more cash left.
actually i saw this shoes ah.
which i wanted to buy.
and i even withdraw the money for tat.
but due to my indecisive mind,
end up not buying ah,
cos cant decide.
i hate my mind.
when mi and nurul went to dorothy perkins
(dunno how to spell) ahahaa.
loga sat somewhere.
before this she already feel tat herself is like a hooker.
cos, mi and nurul keep point at revealing clothes,
and say tat is her style.
and den she sat at that place,
really like somekind.
and i said to her
"how much for a night"
ahahaa xD
after this, we got back early ah.
my clique always wanna go home early
dunno why.
oh ya, on our way back,
i spot my fren,
nv zip ah.
so paiseh.
kk shall not mention her name here.
anyways, went back to bb
but meet jx.
cos is his bdae,
and he wanna listen to watever shit i am encountering recently.
noe wat,
i asked gina to come meet us,
as a rescue,
and she really did.
how sweet!!
yep, and we spent our time
chit chatting,
mostly abt BGR stuff.
den decide something.
noe wat, i think,
tat is something gonna do with my anklet.
as it broke.
and so now we ya
think too much??
kk, spot this on a shirt;
sound so sweet rite!
Labels: boring
can eat proper food ah.
nice nice.
been so so hungry lately.
stomach rumble like hell.
so embarrassing ah.
hmm, today quite sian.
cos the original meeting got postpone ah.
so sad.
finding people to go out now.
if no one,
den have to stay at home.
and find things to do.
most probably is to watch shows.
feel like buying shoes.
the shoes tat i wore to sch had teared ah
so sad.
dunno wat happen also.
i hate yesterday man!!
bad friday.
so stress.
ppt cannot finish on time.
i had fun during the break too.
eh, got scolding
dunno y also.
i hate that ah.
i am okay now.
nearly fall down all.
eh, today change to a new group.
like so weird.
somebody change.
all fast pace.
quite pressurise ah.
so i went over to next door, loga's class.
hmm, think will get a C today.
talk nothing much ah.
so sad.
but nvm.
after sch went to pp workshop.
quite fun ah.
draw some stuff while waiting for the program to start.
not bad ah.
overall quite interesting.
i like the speaker's voice.
so nice.
after tat went to bazaar meeting.
so late already still have!!!
anyways, quite tire.
need to do stuff, even though i'm not mc.
anyways, nvm ah.
life is very ufair at times;
tat's life.
Labels: dental appt
hmm, today got dental appt.
i tok it's 4.30 initially.
and i went out at 3 plus.
who knows, where i see my appt card again.
i have two appt, one is 4.30 and the other is 4.
oh man. i overlooked it.
anyway, it was too late.
so i reach the hospital at around 4.25.
even though i am early for 4.30 appt but not for 4.
how blur i am.
(tok finally i could be early, but...)
hmm, anyway, today the "doctor" nv scold mi today.
eh, i got to change to black today.
cos i saw black, den i ask got black ah,
den the "doctor" said "yea, u wan black"
and i say "er, can"
(although i'm jus curious, i jus couldnt say "nah" )
try new stuff den.
cos i hate makin decision ah.
mi cannot decide things.
yea, den on my way back.
the train was so packed ah.
and this damn tall guy standing infront of me.
when i say damn tall, he is really tall.
his waist is at my chest there ah.
and my height not even till his shoulder level.
how sad, i'm so damn short.
was afraid that i cant get out,
cos he is blocking my way.
when reaching my stop,
i was like "excuse me"
and nobody actually give way ah.
so sad.
but when this guy behind me, also alighting,
says the same thing as i said
they give way eh.
how sad.
but anyways, i get to alight ah.
now the gum is killing mi.
so tight.
i doubt i can eat much in sch.
but these few days,
i really get hungry easily ah.
hope my stomach dun growl that loud eh.
eh eh,
one of my good fren so sad today.
hope she can manage to do what she wants to.
hope that stupid guy goes away.
get out of her life ah.
if you like her, you shouldn't make her cry k!!
guys are dumb.
good fren, dun so soft hearted eh.
once a decision is made,
dun regret,
and persist it till the end,
with ur will and determination.
we are all here for you!!
Labels: library, mother day, ut
Blogger still weird weird wan.
cos cannot click the tools thing- color,format.
hmm, finally marks an end to ut 1 for all module.
Relief ah. (or relieve??)
however, i did it gonna be a disaster if the grades is release.
today's problem so tough ah.
Even though the faci is good, but i still nv learn anything.
sad ah.
everyone in my group today is so fast pace.
and i'm a slow learner.
when can i be able to cope???!
hmmm. today damn hungry ah.
once it is abt time for dismissal,
my tummy calls for help already.
den george happen to hear it.
oh man. so embarassing ah.
den went to canteen to grab for some bites.
but i was unable to decide wat to eat ah.
so dumb.
i hate making decisions ah.
i lazy to think.
scare regret.
waste money ah.
it was sunday, a mother day.
quite fiery tat day ah.
cos my mum like dun wanna celebrate lidat.
and my younger sis nv even wanna join our celebration.
the family bonding is so dearth.
anyway, we went to mayim to eat.
my mum bring her fren together.
(as if she is our mother; so awkward)
actually i dun really like tat auntie
she is quite unbashed ah.
sorrie to be mean. but i'm jus being frank.
well, i eat till damn bloated tat day.
and i nearly forget to give her her mother's day present.
keke "p
saturday went to bugis library.
it's my first time studying there.
with my classmates.
quite fun ah.
we happened to have this weird uncle sitting in front of us.
which forbids us to make any noise ah.
the atmostphere was so damn dead man.
we went to study.
yet we can't even speak a word to clarify our doubts.
however, we were so defiance.
cause, we cont to make our noise,
although we tried not to,
but cant help it ah.
the weirdo even ask us to leave man.
and this pissed us.
we keep talking bad about the weirdo.
and we even try to surpass him by leaving the places after him.
it was dumb i noe.
but fun ah.
Labels: stupid UT
cannot change color all
oh man, nvm.
eh, i'm dying.
i really, seriously think that, i cant survive in this science thing.
godness ah, i'll have ut for this whole week ah.
all science module.
yesterday did a ut for anatamy.
so hard. i dunno how to do almost everything.
hope it will moderate till i pass pass pass.
no mood to study already ah
tat anatamy ut i got study
but still dun understand
tat is the ut tat i have most confident in
and yet i did so badly
for the upcoming ut
wat do u think eh...
i doubt i can do ah.
tml, the day after tml and mon have more uts to go.
can die ah.
i dun understand a single stuff already ah.
wat dipole dipole, ATP, etc.
god help me!!!
hmm, went to watch spiderman yesterday.
oh gosh, miss the first part.
hope anybody can tell me wat happen during the first part ah.
was damn funny
saw somebody cried
eh actually plan to go somewhere today
with my last sems classmates
but many are unable to turn up ah
den got cancelled
dunno this thing will work ever again anot
oh man.
Labels: day out
went to orchard with san.
boughts lots of accessories n a pair of pumps for sch
gosh, spent so much today again
but anyways, i nid to buy that pumps for my lab ah
sad ah, hard-earned money jus gone lidat
i really am hard to be thrify
overall was great.
oh, saw a few rp mates there
got chewy, qian qian, tat's all tat i can rmb
hmm, had fun chit chatting with sandy too
we have fun all the way back ah
keep laffing
and we saw some swiss band ppl there
but they are too dao to say hi-bye ah
so mean
yayaya, i saw this girl
quite pretty ah
i love her eyes
actually wanna ask her how she do her eyes
but, will be damn crazy if i do tat ah
den reach home saw my sis fren, jifa
ahaha, couldn't recognise him at first ah
but den i rmb his shirt ah.
ahaha, paiseh ah