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Labels: 下一次微笑
上一次微笑之後 世界遺漏了什麼
*難過的事總有好多 頭頂的天空總是灰濛濛
流淚的時候 卻忘了為什麼
淡紅色指頭 陪我煎熬 黑色破曉 在嘴邊咬了又咬
我好想忘掉 為何煩惱 對著天空大聲的叫
#下次微笑 你會看到 我真心上揚的嘴角
有人會在天涯海角 種一片草原 看我奔跑
下次微笑 我會驕傲 放晴的感覺多麼好
不放棄總會等得到 我那熬過風暴 真的微笑# *
repeat * #
To logaRANGINI: ahaha. See this print screen. Me no lying!! is grey in color and ppl's one is green.
Labels: subway
Print this ecoupon out and use them wisely. till 4th sept only. Faster!!!
Anyway, I love their sandwich despite of the attitude staff. Ahaha. Can slim down if i eat everyday, due to the low calories. keke "p
Labels: 安靜
曲/詞: 周杰倫
Qu/Ci: Zhou Jie Lun
Music/Lyrics: Jay Chou
Translation: ava –
Zhi sheng xia gang qin pei wo tan le yi tian
Only the piano accompanies me throughout the day
Shui jiao de da ti qin
The sleeping cello
An Jing de jiu jiu de
Quiet and so old
Wo xiang ni yi biao xian de fei chang ming bai
I think you've made yourself clear
Wo dong wo ye zhi dao
I know and I'm sure
Ni mei you she bu de
You don't regret
Ni shuo ni ye hui nan guo wo bu xiang xin
You say you're upset too, that I don't believe
牽著你陪著 我也只是曾經
Qian zhe ni pei zhe wo ye zhi shi cheng jin
You being with me was in the past
Xi wang ta shi zhen de bi wo hai yao ai ni
I hope he loves you more than I do
wo cai hui bi zi ji li kai
Only then will I bring myself to leave
Ni yao wo shuo duo nan kan
You want me to say it, but it is awkward
Wo gen ben bu xiang fen kai
I don't even want to break up
Wei she me hai yao wo yong wei xiao lai dai guo
Why must I depend on a smile to tide me through?
Wo mei you zhe zhong tian fen
I don't have the ability
bao rong ni ye jie shou ta
To accept both you and him
Bu yong dan xin de tai duo
Don't worry too much
Wo hui yi zhi hao hao guo
I'll still be fine
Ni yi jin yuan yuan li kai
You've already gone far away
Wo ye hui man man zou kai
And I will slowly walk away
Wei she me wo lian fen kai dou qian jiu zhe ni
Why is it that I have to accommodate you even when [we] break up?
Wo zhen de mei you tian fen
I really don't have the ability
An jing de mei zhe me kuai
Staying silent doesn't come so fast
Wo hui xue zhe fang qi ni
I will learn to give you up
Shi ying wei wo tai ai ni
Because I love you so much
I always like this song. This is also the first song I admire from JAY. Also, this is the first song I tried and able to memorise till now. Meaningful eh.
Labels: bankrupt
Wednesday went to watch hairspray. The show was nice, funny. I love the way the actress sing. And the funniest part was their dancing part and all. Went to eat subway before that. Thought the ppl give us more change that we should get. But, now then I realised, they actually having a promotion. Giving free meals for every sandwich you buy. Ahaha. Funny ah. Sorry logaRANGINI, I didn't mean to be so calculative ah. Time was bad for me now. I'm going bankrupt. =(
Going to steamboat later. Have no idea how to get the money. Haix. Time is really bad for me. I never picture myself at this state. You can just laugh your ass off your chair at me now if you want. =(
And yea, mum going overseas with friend again. Haix. She won't be home till monday. Her life is good eh. Time for her to enjoy. =) How I wish I could have a sum of money, and go overseas without telling anyone. Just stay there for months and all. Forget about everything and start afresh there. It could be tough but, just want a change. Ha, dreaming again. Me now even going bankrupt eh, where the hell to get that big sum of money to even buy the air tickets and lodging.
Anyways, lots of pimple popping out. Maybe is due to sleeping late, or stress?? And I guess, when I'm sad I'd tend to eat more. Well, I eat abit more than usual nowadays. I guess I would grow horizontally as days goes by. It's okay. This way, I mean if I'm really fat, if people still likes me, means they really like me. Ahaha. Anything you think ah, but I'm not in the "perresan" way. I really hope there is someone for me, but a big NO too. I don't wish to see powder. =(
Oh ya, went to a job agency today, want to find some job to do, to keep me occupied. Also, I'm in need of money, as there's a hole on my pocket. Cannot shop anymore. =( But I kind of like this dress I saw today. So cute, and retro or vintage. Just simple love it. But, it shows my fat arms, and I can't afford it now. And, there is only one piece. Sadded. I really wanted to buy it. But, haiz. Nevermind, there is always a better one. (in order to console myself as what gina said)
Went to pool and hospital, nearby shopping malls and back home. Today was not bad, at least I'm out. But, when I'm home, I'm back to useless me. Well, don't wish to further elaborate. But, do you really think, there is a good guy in this world, who will love me, and we will get together? I can only see a bleak future in me. But, I'm fated to have it. God created human to this world to suffer and gain experience. When we complete what we require to do, we will go back to where we belong eh?
Haiyaa, no wonder I find it hard to plug in my mouse after my sister return me my mouse. Sadded. The USB is bent. Wondering how she use it eh. Everytime when something is to lend to her will have bad conditions. =( I told her about this, was really sad and angry. But all she say was, use her ah. Haiya, don't she know that things have their value on it especially for instance is it's sentimental value. It has it's background too. In which some things cannot be replace. Well, maybe is my fate. Or maybe god is conveying some message to me. Haaa.
Laughing therapy is always effective. =)
Labels: my cousin
I have plenty of stuff to blog, and was intended to blog few days back, but was having oral, and then my poor memory didn't remind me to do so. Anyways, to think of my oral, I am very disappointed in myself. =( I screwed up the entire stuff. Was relax(trying to), or all thanks to my memory, I have forgotten about the conversation part, and did not have the time to anticipate the questions. Hence, I screwed up the entire oral, again! My mind was like totally blank when the examiners asked me questions. That's not all, I even blabber stuff that were unreasonable, totally NON-SENSE! God, hope everything will be alright! =(
Yup yup, holiday means end of this semester, means it marks the end of studying in E35K. =( Mixed feeling actually. I thought this class would be nice and all initially, and I even make sacrifices for the bonding and all when everything seems so fine. But, I don't know what happen, we got drifted and drifted. Sometimes I did pondered on this issue. It may be because of the complicatedness we had, or, maybe I'm just fated to have this kind of friendship in every semester or may be is due to the much hassle and obstacles that we have, as afterall, there is this inconveniece thingy that we do not have in common and this is the key to drift us away. Anyways, what can I do now, but to move on. There's no point too, as everything seems too late.
I'm quite sad to end this semester, as this means that I would have to face new people new class new environment again. I would have to face the facades and all, who knows. But hopefully, they are kind and sweet people. I hope they would end my fate of having "short-term" friendship. =) Anyways, hope they would not be irritated by my slowness and dumbness.
Well, I need to look for a job now. So broke now. =( And is holiday now, so, in order to kill time, I'll have to do so. Friends around me will also be busy later on. They have their job found; some having attachment. Awwwwww, so good. I'm jobless, clueless, useless. =(
Had sumptutous meal today. Slept for 4 hours today, was really tirring. As I have to wake up early in the morning, to my used-to-be grandparents house to pray. The offerings were sumptutous, ranging from roasted suckling pig to steam chicken to vegetable. And usually the offering will end up in our stomach after all the pray and all. Thus, get to eat them all. hehe. I can really eat a lot, as I'm the "last man standing". Besides that, I get to meet my cousins. They are all grown-up. Look and sound mature. Didn't really get use to it. They have their girlfriend and boyfriend eh. Younger than me, but all having their partner found. So sweet. Ha, okay, shall not continue on this topic. =(
I guess, I'm leading back my normal life now. I think I thought I shall I must I could I should I would I am I will I can do it. At least I'm trying, and I'm awake now. Though they were still regurgitating in my mind.
Labels: 我怀念的
Who have this song eh? Who know how to dl from baidu? Who know how to dl movie. I'm so lost. without you. I wanted to ask, but, I wanted to stop disturbing you. ='(
I'm so down. Who willing to cheer me up?
I want somebody who would not break my broken heart again.
Who will it be??
Nobody. =(
by Lliy Alen
Sometimes I find myself sittin' back and reminiscing
Especially when I have to watch other people kissin'
And I remember when you started callin' me your miss's
All the play fightin', all the flirtatious disses
I'd tell you sad stories about my childhood
I dont why I trusted you but I knew that I could
We'd spend the whole weekend lying in our own dirt
I was just so happy in your boxers and your t-shirt
Dreams, Dreams
Of when we had just started things
Dreams of you and me
Lyrics It seems, It seems
That I can't shake those memories
I wonder if you have the same dreams too.
The littlest things that take me there
I know it sounds lame but its so true
I know its not right, but it seems unfair
That the things are reminding me of you
Sometimes I wish we could just pretend
Even if only for one weekend
So come on, Tell me
Is this the end?
Drinkin' tea in bed
Watching DVD's
When I discovered all your dirty grotty magazines
You take me out shopping and all we'd buy is trainers
As if we ever needed anything to entertain us
the first time that you introduced me to your friends
and you could tell I was nervous, so you held my hand
when I was feeling down, you made that face you do
no one in the world that could replace you
Dreams, Dreams
Of when we had just started things
Dreams of me and you
It seems, It seems
That I can't shake those memories
I wonder if you feel the same way too
The littlest things that take me there
I know it sounds lame but its so true
I know its not right, but it seems unfair
That the things remind me of you
Sometimes I wish we could just pretend
Even if only for one weekend
So come on, Tell me
Is this the end?
This song is meaningful; explain how I'm feeling now. ='(
I cried.
His answer.
As expected.
No reply.
Labels: contradiction
If you feel held back today, the restrictions that you feel are in your imagination.
In Detail
If you feel held back right now, the restrictions that you feel are more in your imagination than in reality. There is a part of you that is looking for an excuse to not move forward on your latest project, and welcoming the chance to put things on pause for today. But what do you really gain? The longer you put things off, the longer it will take to get to your personal finish line. You're not really held back right now -- just keep going; you'll do fine!
But I want to know the truth.
And truth hurts. ='(
Can't I get the answer I want??
Went sentosa on friday. Bring back lots of memories again. Why, why, why. Why the two years make such a huge impact on me, in my life and is, just mine. I hope somebody could like damage my brain or something. Why I could forget any other thing except for the memories, and places we went. Why is it only hurts the one that care. Only the one who care and still love feel hurts. ='(
Anyways, dreamt of you. We meet after school as usual to go home together. It was as if we were back together again. But well, is just a dream, sweet dream. But is far too sweet from reality.
Feel like a fool today. Still hoping there is even a chance to see him. Sat in the library, watched people passing by, wishing that I would get to see him. (is what I can do now) How dumbbbbbbb. He may not come to school today, or had he left, or just that we are not fated. My wish was not grant. But, what if I see him? As if time would turn back. Ha, this is where it always contradict. Wake up la Eliane. It's all over! Don't you get it, it's all different now. He changed. Not yours anymore; is hers now.
Anyways, saw this true side of somebody. Hope I had misunderstand or you didn't really meant it. Nevermind. School ending soon. Changing class too.
Only the one who really love you would get hurt. And in a relationship, it always take both hands to clap. In which, I stand no more chance now. She is much more important than me now. What he thinks about now, is only the fairness towards her and only her. Though he say he still loves me, he chose her. The decision is very clear now though he mention to talk about this after his NS; just an excuse to make me feel better. This time is really is goodbye.
Anyways, I went with my friends this year instead. My view was from the back. Don't really like it, as we need to squeeze here and there when fireworks get started. As you know, I'm short, so can't really see much when people were standing, as they get pretty excited when the fireworks get started.
I really hope that, next year, there is this rule stating that everyone should really sit down and watch, so as everyone will get to view it. It's quite saddening to get block by those tall people, as who would want to born short eh. Moreover, saw this wheel chair couple being block by those people standing up. Can't they be more considerate!!
Well, besides that, I get to see the stars in the sky while waiting for the fireworks to start. Saw these twin stars. Was named twin stars by me is because they are so closely together, just side by side. You can't really spot if there were two unless you see really squint your eyes and observe properly. I am glad to have this opportunity to sit down and observe the stars, an even better, spotted the twin stars. =) At that moment, I really have the urge to buy telescope and study more about astrology. But I'm quit lazy to do so now, and have no money to buy telescope too. =/ Moreover, my oral is reaching yet I do nothing about it. Sad. Though I don't wish to get the same result again, I just can't get myself to start revising. Too lazy. Argh!!
Hope to see miracle, but well, will it happen to lazy people???
Labels: horoscope
Remember I used to believe in them during my secondary school day. I read every Teenage magazine horoscope, and even used to buy the book for aquarius every year, as it is in yearly basis. But, find out that it is less accurate and is like a waste of money. Moreover, we can't possibly let horoscope manipulate our life; must lead our own life with our own control. But, this is really freaky, as if it can hear my prayers...
The Bottom Line
When contemplating a relationship, tune in to your deep feelings about who they are.
In Detail
When you think about where one of your relationships is going today, you need to look away from logic and tune in to your deep feelings about who this person is and what they bring to your life. Ask yourself whether you are keeping them in your life because they bring out the best in you -- or because you're used to having them around. Once you face that question and answer it honestly, you won't have to worry about having doubts about friendships ever again.
have been working really hard to not thinks about you. So now i am not fine because i still do think of you. It hurts a lot. And you're hurting me. You always hurt me but i can't
get enough because I still love you. I love you anyway. I dont want to love you but it just falls too deep. Why cant we just go back to everything like it was before.
I can't help but to blame myself for leaving you first. But why am I still dwelling at the same spot and yet you are so far away now. You asked me to move on and I had tried very hard to do so. But somehow, I find my body ain't moving at all; sweet memories (all the trips, from overseas to movies, expo, hospital, changi airport...) of us keep flashing in my mind and somehow the bad ones seens invisible now.
I left you because I thought I can, and had moved on. But, who knows. Maybe it could be easier if I had love you lesser. I am just like one useless drug addict now. However, there is no more drug for me. So I shall suffer till I quit or it will persist on till my deathbed.
There is time I would want to talk to you, msn you, call you and sms you. I wanted to tell you how much I love you, I misses you, and hope you're doing fine, please be careful. But I know I'm not supposed to do so, as I can't always find you like before now, so i deleted the message that I had typed out. (somehow wish that you will know, but...) I had to keep it all to myself now, in order to not irritate you further. What I said to you previously was commented being too straight forward. But I thought we were close enough to open up to everything, as we know each other for more than 2 years. We share almost everything of our stuff in these 2 years. Hence, I thought it would be okay till I got a "dunno" from you, I realised I was actually wrong.
Things wouldn't the same like before now. Hate to see and say these but, you could have treat the girl how you treat me like before, or even better. She could have better understand you and knows you better, as she too play the same game as you, common interest which we are lack of. I should've known my limit. Sorry. I don't wish to and will not irritate you further.
I am rather contradict now. Wanted to wish for your happiness, but wish you come back. Wanted to be happy, but keep tearing because of the flashing memories. Wanted to not know how you treat her, but was curious about her; what and how she attracts you, the level that you two are at now. Wanted to die, but lack of the courage. Wanted to forget but keep thinking. Wanted to move on, but I trust no guys now. What am I doing!!!!!!! ARGH!!! =( =( =(
My horoscope for the day as followed:
The Bottom Line
You can't let your personal issues conflict with your business or educational goals.
In Detail
You might not be able to get along with everyone as well as you usually like to right now, but there won't be any real fights. The social harmony will still be there, but there will be one or two people who rub you the wrong way. Unfortunately, you won't have time to address these issues as thoroughly as you would like, because you cannot let your personal issues conflict with your business or educational goals. You have to ignore these people and just keep on moving forward.
Labels: Regrets
I feel so sluttish recently. As though I am the third party. I know I'm at fault, and know its all too late to say anything. But if I had the power to turn back time, I would treasure them even more and would not neglect you. Sorry. But your feelings for me is not deep enough too. I'm quite disappoint with that. Though I'm at fault in neglecting you, it's your fault too to fall for a girl that fast; regardless that we had been through this far. =(
Are you serious in giving this whole thing up? All the memories and times we share just given up like this? I realised my wrong here and trying to salvage them now as I don't want any more regrets later on.
On the other hand, I know that I have no rights to stop you from her; acting like a third party now. How could everything took place easily, just like this. Disappointing. It could be god's will too, for the girl to fall into place at this moment. No more stand as I am the one who let you down first; who did not cherish you.
I wish that I could be generous to wish for your happiness. But I'm struggling in fighting to my contradictions. I would love to wish you but would like to salvage everything. Am I really too late?
Maybe it's just that, human will only cherish when they lose; good memories floating in mind when you lost, and bad times when you're still with each other.
Decision is needed to make to hold no regrets. And by being afraid to feel regret in making the wrong decision will only result in creating more regrets in your life. Regrets is a must pass obstacles; is where you learnt and gain experience in life. To make regrets now so that you would tend to cherish and treasure more in future, and would not make the same mistakes again.
I have no idea how to move on now as I'm still in the mid of struggling and fighting my contradictions. =( It just hurts thought I know it's pointless and have to move on. ='(
Labels: Why
By: Avril Lavigne
Why, do you always do this to me?
Why, couldn't you just see through me?
How come, you act like this
Like you just don't care at all
Do you expect me to believe I was the only one to fall?
I could feel I could feel you near me, even though you're far away
I could feel I could feel you baby, why
It's not supposed to feel this way
I need you, I need you
More and more each day
It's not supposed to hurt this way
I need you, I need you, I need you
Tell me, are you and me still together?
Tell me, do you think we could last forever?
Tell me, why
Hey, listen to what we're not saying
Let's play, a different game than what we're playing
Try, to look at me and really see my heart
Do you expect me to believe I'm gonna let us fall apart?
I could feel I could feel you near me, even when you're far away
I could feel I could feel you baby, why
It's not supposed to feel this way
I need you, I need you
More and more each day
It's not supposed to hurt this way
I need you, I need you, I need you
Tell me, are you and me still together?
Tell me, you think we could last forever?
Tell me, why
So go and think about whatever you need to think about
Go ahead and dream about whatever you need to dream about
And come back to me when you know just how you feel, you feel
I could feel I could feel you near me, even though you're far away
I could feel I could feel you baby, why
It's not supposed to hurt this way
I need you, I need you
More and more each day
It's not supposed to hurt this way
I need you, I need you, I need you
Tell me
It's not supposed to hurt this way
I need you, I need you
More and more each day
It's not supposed to hurt this way
I need you, I need you, I need you
Tell me, are you and me still together?
Tell me, do you think we could last forever?
Tell me, why
Labels: 不能说的秘密
不能说的秘密 Bu Neng Shuo De Mi Mi Secrets I Can’t Tell
词: 方文山
Ci: Fang Wen Shan
Lyrics: Vincent Fang
曲: 周杰伦
Qu: Zhou Jie Lun
Music: Jay Chou
leng ka fei li kai le bei dian
As the cold coffee leaves the coaster
wo ren zhu de qing xu zai hen hou mian
I desperately tried to hold my emotions far behind
pin ming xiang wan hui de cong qian
Fighting hard to restore the past
zai wo lian shang yi jiu qing xi ke jian
On my face you can still see ever so clearly
zui mei de bu shi xia yu tian
that rainy day wasn’t the most beautiful
是曾与你躲过雨的屋檐 oh~~
shi ceng yu ni duo guo yu de wu yan
It’s the shelters that I once shared with you in the rain
hui yi de hua mian
The pictures in my memory
在荡着秋千 梦开始不甜
zai dang zhe qiu qian meng kai shi bu tian
While on the swings dreams become less sweet
你说把爱渐渐 放下会走更远
ni shuo ba ai jian jian fang xia hui zou geng yuan
You told me that by gradually letting go I’d be able to go further
you he bi qu gai bian ni cuo guo de shi jian
and why bother changing the times that you’ve missed
你用你的指尖 阻止我说再见
ni yong ni de zhi jian zu zhi wo shuo zai jian
you used your fingertip to stop me from saying goodbye
xiang xiang ni zai shen bian zai wan quan shi qu zhi qian
imaging you being by my side before you completely disappear
你说把爱渐渐 放下会走更远
ni shuo ba ai jian jian fang xia hui zou geng yuan
You told me that by gradually letting go I’d be able to go further
或许命运的签 只让我们遇见
huo xu ming yun de qian zhi rang wo men yu jian
Perhaps life’s destiny only allowed us to meet
只让我们相恋 这一季的秋天
zhi rang wo men xiang lian zhe yi ji de qiu tian
(and) Only allowed us to love this one season of fall
飘落後才发现 这幸福的碎片
piao luo hou cai fa xian zhe xing fu de sui pian
only after the pieces drifted down that I realized these are the pieces of happiness
yao wo zen me jian
How do i pick them up
Labels: hault
All the unhappiness, or even my life.
It's getting tiring.
Labels: Because I'm a girl
Labels: Because I'm a girl
It’s impossible to understand what’s going through a guy’s heart
Dobeche ar suga obso namjaurui maum
You told me that you wanted me and now that I’ve given you everything, you tell me you’re leaving
Wonhar ten onjego da juni ije tonande
You told me that it was the first time you felt this way, and said that I was special
Ironjog choumirago nonun thugbyorhadanun
I believed you… and it was my happiness
Gu marur midosso nengen hengbogiosso
You should have told me that your feelings had faded
Marur haji guresso nega shirhojyoda go
I had no idea, and I continued to depend on you
Nunchiga obnun nan nur bochegiman hesso
Although I say I hate you now, I’ll be missing you
Nonur yohamyonsodo manhi guriurgoya
Because I’m a girl, to whom love is everything…
Sarangi jonbuin nanun yojainika
They say that when you give a guy all he wants he quickly gets bored
Modungor shibge da jumyon gumbang shirhjungnenunge
And now I know that’s the truth…
Namjara durosso thollin mar gathjin anha
And although I tell myself, I’ll never be tricked by love again
Dashinun sogji anhuri maum mogo bojiman
I fall in love, and my heart is broken again…
Todashi sarange munojinunge yoja ya
You should have told me that your feelings had faded
Marur haji guresso nega shirhojyoda go
I had no idea, and I continued to depend on you
Nunchiga obnun nan nur bochegiman hesso
Although I say I hate you now, I’ll be missing you
Nonur yohamyonsodo manhi guriurgoya
Because I’m a girl, to whom love is everything…
Sarangi jonbuin nanun yojainika
They say that when you give a guy all he wants he quickly gets bored
Modungor shibge da jumyon gumbang shirhjungnenunge
And now I know that’s the truth
Namjara durosso thollin mar gathjin anha
And although I tell myself, I’ll never be tricked by love again
Dashinun sogji anhuri maum mogo bojiman
I fall in love, and my heart is broken again…
Todashi sarange munojinunge yoja ya
You should have told me that your feelings had faded
Marur haji guresso nega shirhojyoda go
I had no idea, and I continued to depend on you
Nunchiga obnun nan nur bochegiman hesso
Although I say I hate you now, I’ll be missing you
Nonur yohamyonsodo manhi guriurgoya
Please don’t break the hearts of girls, who’ll do anything for love
Sarangur whihesoramyon modun da har su inun
I didn’t know that living this life while being loved would be so hard
Yojaui chaghan bonnungur iyong hajinun marajwo
Although I say I hate you now, I’ll be missing you because I’m a girl, to whom love is everything…
Hanyojaro theona sarangbadgo sanunge irohge himdurgo oryourjur mollasso
Although I say I hate you now, I’ll be missing you
Nonur yohamyonsodo manhi guriurgoya
Because I’m a girl, to whom love is everything…
Sarangi jonbuin nanun yojainika
[Today we broke up…]
[onur urin heojyosso]
[You told me to meet someone better than you, and be happy…]
[budi hengbogharago noboda johun sarammannagir barandago]
[You’re just like all the other guys…]
[nodo darun namjarang togathe]
[ What happened to when you told me that you loved me?]
[nar saranghanda go marhanten onjegol]
[Honesty, I don’t want you to be happy]
[sorjighi na nega jar doenungo shirho]
[What am I going to do if you really forget about me?]
[naboda yepun yoja manna hengboghage jar sarmyon otohge]
[I’m in so much pain, more pain than I can bare]
[nan irohge himdunde himduro juggenunde]
[Because I’m still in love with you…]
[ajigdo nor nomu saranghanunde]
Please don’t break the hearts of girls, who’ll do anything for love
Sarangur whihesoramyon modun da har su inun
I didn’t know that living this life while being loved would be so hard
Yojaui chaghan bonnungur iyong hajinun marajwo
Although I say I hate you now, I’ll be missing you because I’m a girl, to whom love is everything…
Hanyojaro theona sarangbadgo sanunge irohge himdurgo oryourjur mollasso
Although I say I hate you now, I’ll be missing you
Nonur yohamyonsodo manhi guriurgoya
Because I’m a girl, to whom love is everything…
Sarangi jonbuin nanun yojainika
Although I say I hate you now, I’ll be missing you
Nonur yohamyonsodo manhi guriurgoya
[There’s someone I’m in love with…]
Because I’m a girl, to whom love is everything…
Sarangi jonbuin nanun yojainika
[Although I can’t be with her now…]
[I’m still in love with her]
Yeah, because I'm a girl.
The lyrics is true.
It’s impossible to understand what’s going through a guy’s heart.
They are complicated.
They should have told us that when their feelings had faded.
As we will had no idea, and to continued to depend on them.
Although we say we hate you now, we’ll be missing you.
Although I tell myself, I’ll never be tricked by love again
I fall in love, and my heart is broken again…
The Bottom Line
An emotional connection is growing distant, but they'll be back in your life soon.
In Detail
One of your close emotional connections might feel as though it's growing a little bit distant today, but you cannot take this personally. If someone who usually has all the time in the world for you isn't responding to your emails or phone calls, it's not because they've pushed you to the back burner of their life. It's probably because they have some things going on in their life that they need to take care of right now. Give them some space for a few days.
Hope it is true. I'll be waiting. =)
Oh ya, today is my elder sis birthday too. Happy birthday to her! Hope she would be more mature, and think for herself and us, especially my parents, treat them better. Hope she will think. =)
Ha, now I realised, actually there's a lot of sweet couples around me. They leading a better life now. These show that after all the bitterness, there will be a fruitful one. Some also realised, the importance of the guy the had, and went back. At least they learnt from their previous relationship, and now, will surely improvise on it and start off with a better one.
So good, so sweet. Glad that they still cherish each other. Well, at least both parties still willing to try and work out again. They will surely treasure each other more this time. =)
And for mine, I guess I have to wait for my mr right, who have patience for me. =)
but the fact now is, we are a part.the day we loiter around
listening to songs from ur hp
we did come here...
the shop..
bought me lolipop from here
still rmb, we were listening to "childhood story"??
always comes to you
initiate the chats and all
means he like you?
or showing some interest at least?
But when the chat logs lessen gradually
till no show of initiation from him
know him toking to another girl
means, he had leave you?
I feel so sluttish recently
find things to say, sms,
and all, to him
what he used to be
had turned my routine
But, I decided not to be sluttish, no more.
These sluttishness could only lead to
people's irritatingness.
Just let people who wanna leave, leave.
You end it, not me.
No point stopping a changed person rite?
My luck I guess.
Labels: Unluckiness
I'm not as lucky as you mention before
Lots of unlucky event took place in my life
I've been so down
I've got hurt by everything; almost anything
I'm a heart breakee now,
all at one blow
Keep on banging on people and stuff
Hope I would get bang by vehicles
(mayb a lorry full of shit???)
Basically, I'm carrying brusies inside out.
I also have unlucky fingers
In which it will spread my "unluckiness" around
like for the recent incident:
"Aminah's laptop".
When I used her laptop
trying to get connected to the internet;
no matter how many umpteen times I've tried
I wasn't able to get connected
However, when she try to use,
It was successful.
Also, when she wanted to show me stuff,
or everything I peek at her com,
her net will get disconnected.
when my "unlucky" finger touches her screen,
=( =( =( =( =( =( =( =( =( =( =( =( =( =( =( =( =(
Labels: stars
I don't really understand why they like to hurt themselves in from of the crowd. They keep beating their chest and all. However, only the vocalist does that, as the rest were too busy on their instrument. The drummers were way too cool man. I seriously think that their leg muscle must be huge. =)
Went there again on sat, which is the next day. Actually planned to study, however, my friends "planed" me. They have their stuff to do, so went down to baybeats again to kill time. Been so bored nowadays. Somehow, when you have plenty of free time, you would tend to think more. So, ya, I hate it.
Enjoyed quite a number of bands, except for one. I just dislike her vocal. She does seems she never had enough training and all. Her tune was way too off. Though I like the way she speak, but her singing still, not that good.
Ha, soon it will all be over eh. Even human will die one day, memory will soon fade away, resources will be depleted...
It aches you when he say he like someone else.
It aches you when he rejected your every offer.
It aches you when you saw him.
But, what's the point now?
Girl, you choose this route.
Who will expect that everything changes so quickly;
Including his heart, even with so 2 years of memories.
And now, his heart had changed.
To belong to other girl.
What's the point?
Just let go everything.
Let him find his happiness.
And YOU, move on!
Please, no point tearing.